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PHP Image processing queue, problems with finished jobs

I'm working on image processing with PHP, the steps are:

  1. A user uploads several images.
  2. ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick make 4 copies in different sizes
  3. These copies are processed by jpegtran
  4. Once processed are uploaded to Amazon S3

My problem:

  • How I can know when finished imagemagick to start jpegtran?
  • How I can know when finsihed jpegtran to start uploading to S3?

I'm using Gearman, is it correct to have a worker for imagemagick, another worker for jpegtran and another worker to S3?

Thanks for the help

Your worker could start the next process.

class ImagemagickWorker
    public function imagemagicProcessing (GearmanJob $job)
        // your image processing code
        $gmClient = new GearmanClient();
        $gmClient->do('jpegtranProcessing', $workload);

Case you need more complex control over processing consider using tasks and defining callbacks.

class ImagemagickTask
    public function imagemagicProcessing ($workload)
        // do whatever you need to do
        $gmClient = new GearmanClient();
        $gmClient->setCompleteCallback (
            function (GearmanTask $task) use ($gmClient)
                 // repeat the process
        $gmClient->addTask('imagemagicProcessing', $workload);

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