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Linking issue with indirect dependencies on Mac OS X

we have some linking problems with indirect dependencies. Guessing from what I read on the web it may be because of two-level namespace usage. This happens when we link against a boost library, boost_filesystem to be precise, which itself depends on boost_system. The linker doesn't resolve the dependency between boost_filesystem and boost_system. Can someone give me some hints how this can be resolved? Adding boost_system manually to the dependencies feels ugly and besides, it works fine on other platforms.

Some versions of the static link editor ld on Mac do not resolve indirect dependencies via the -L option and instead simply look them up via the install_name that is baked into the direct dependency. Running otool -L on boost_filesysten will show you where ld is looking for boost_system.

You can either change the install_name with install_name_tool or you can use the

-dylib_file install_name:file_name

option to ld which is just a way of telling ld that whenever it comes across an install_name path matching the part of the argument before the colon then it should actually get that library from the path after the colon.

I think that newer versions of ld now do respect -L for indirect dependencies on Mac but I'm not sure. I've only used 10.4 which had an ld that ignored -L for indirect dependencies and I used -dylib_file to get rid of a lot of phantom explicit dependencies that other people had put in to get round the very problem you describe!

If boost_filesystem is using symbols from boost_system (and your application isn't), and is itself linking directly against boost_system to resolve them, it should just work. The flat vs. two-level namespace problems generally rear their head when you expect symbols provided by a dependency of a library you're linking against to be available within your app.

If boost_filesystem isn't linking against boost_system (otool -L will tell you), then you've got little option—short of relinking it—except to add a manual dependency upon boost_system.

Am I right in thinking boost doesn't use GNU libtool (it handles inter-library dependencies in the correct platform-specific way for you)? If it does, that might be an easy workaround.

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