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Sonata Admin Custom list field template contains link to admin edit object

I have an admin class of an object of class Car. This object is in relation with Person or Organisation.

I know how to add a column for Person and Organisation, and i have a link to the edit object

->add('person', null, array('admin_code' => 'appli.admin.person'))
->add('factory', null, array('admin_code' => 'appli.admin.factory'))

This create a link (

However i want just one column. I make this :


But in my template i want something like this but i don't understand how make the link to the edit object :

{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field%}
{% if object.getPerson %}
    {% set urlObject = 'linkToAdminEditPerson' %}
{% elseif object.getFactory %}
    {% set urlObject = 'linkToAdminEditFactory' %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ urlObject }}">{{ object.name }}</a>
{% endblock %}

Thank You

Assuming both objects have a name property:

{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field %}
    {% if object.getPerson is defined %}
        {% set objectRoute = 'person_edit' %}
    {% elseif object.getFactory is defined %}
        {% set objectRoute = 'factory_edit' %}
    {% endif %}
    <a href="{{ path(objectRoute, { id: object.id }) }}">{{ object.name }}</a>
{% endblock %}

Note that sonata admin bundle creates the edit route based on the $baseRouteName property of the admin class, appending the action name.

  1. Firstly use a custom template for your field:

     $listMapper ->add('_action', 'actions', array( 'label' => 'Person', 'actions' => array('usage' => array('template' =>'MyBundleBundle:CRUD:edit_url.html.twig')) ) ); 
  2. In admin class create a function that generates a sonata edit url:

     public function generateEditUrl($name, $object, $parameters = array(), $absolute = false){ $classname = $object->getNode()->getPropertyValue('phpcr:class'); $admin = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getAdminByClass($classname); $url = $admin->generateObjectUrl($name, $object, $parameters, $absolute); return $url; } 
  3. Create "edit_url.html.twig" template

     {% if object.person is defined and object.person is not empty %} <a href="{{ admin.generateEditUrl('edit', object.person, {}, true) }}" target="_blank" title="Edit {{ object.person.title }}"> <i class="icon-edit"></i>{{ object.person.title }} </a> {% endif %} 

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