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Crystal Reports keeps giving me: Could not load file or assembly

So I have a C# website that I have to work with. It uses crystal reports so I installed it (First time working with crystal reports). I came across the following error while trying to run the website

Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

These are the logs :

=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: DisplayName = CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral,        PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304
LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/School/Vacaturesite/
LOG: Initial PrivatePath = C:\School\Vacaturesite\bin
Calling assembly : (Unknown).
LOG: This bind starts in default load context.
LOG: Using application configuration file: C:\School\Vacaturesite\web.config
LOG: Using host configuration file: C:\Users\Beheerder\Documents\IISExpress\config\aspnet.config
LOG: Using machine configuration file from     C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.
LOG: Post-policy reference: CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework, Version=,   Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Users/Beheerder/AppData/Local/Temp/Temporary   ASP.NET Files/vs/ae77f9fe/8f0f70a0/CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Users/Beheerder/AppData/Local/Temp/Temporary   ASP.NET      Files/vs/ae77f9fe/8f0f70a0/CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework/CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL   file:///C:/School/Vacaturesite/bin/CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework.DLL.
WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Revision Number
ERR: Failed to complete setup of assembly (hr = 0x80131040). Probing terminated.

I've tried various things and searched the internet for answers but so far nothing worked.

you need to install crystal reports runtime. Follow the below thread to download http://scn.sap.com/thread/2071900

Following is more detailed list where you will get all runtime versions http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?original_fqdn=wiki.sdn.sap.com&pageId=56787567

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