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How can i change the tab color on sublime text 3?

我在Google上花费了很多时间,但我能找到的就是如何更改选项卡的颜色以升华文本2。大多数答案都说“定位升华主题..”,但我没有这样的文件(所有文件都是TmTheme ),并且选项位于xml中而不是json中。

My recommendation is to use sublime text package control

To install it follow the instruction in the website

or go to View > Show Console menu and paste this code

import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = '7183a2d3e96f11eeadd761d777e62404' + 'e330c659d4bb41d3bdf022e94cab3cd0'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( 'http://packagecontrol.io/' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by) 

Then restart sublime text 3 and press Ctrl+P and type install package

Then install a theme like " Soda " and open your User Settings Preferences file Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User

Add (or update) your theme entry to be "theme": "Soda Light 3.sublime-theme" or "theme": "Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme"

    "theme": "Soda Light 3.sublime-theme"

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