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First Item not being added to the session

I have a pretty basic shopping cart. The problem is that except for the first item in the list all other items are working fine. The way it works:

The products list coming from db have a button on each which is attached to a JS function which then, using the "load" jquery function it connects to a php script that adds the product to the session['basket']. I put an alert in the JS function and the first item (the one with the problem) looks fine. Also, put an echo " session exists" if a session is created in the php page. The first Icon does create a session, but shows no data like product name, etc.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Products List:

<?php require_once('inc.php');

  if ($prod->data != "") {
    foreach ($prod->data as $p) {

         if ($p['qty'] > 0) { ?>
            <ul style="text-align: left">
                <li><strong>Nome: </strong><?php echo $p['name']; ?> </li>
                <li><strong>Categoria: </strong><?php echo($p['category']); ?>      </li>
                <li><strong>Preço: </strong>&pound;<?php printf("%.2f", $p['priceUnit']); ?> </li>
                <li><strong>Stock: </strong><?php echo($p['qty']); ?> </li>
                <select id="<?php echo "prod_" . $p['id'] . "qty"; ?>" name="prodqty">
                    for ($i = 1; $i <= $p['qty']; $i++) {
                        echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>';
                </select> <br /><br />
            <li><button class="button" onclick="addItem('<?php echo $p['id']; ?>', '<?php echo $p['name']; ?>', '<?php echo $p['category']; ?>',
                            '<?php echo $p['priceUnit']; ?>', '<?php echo "#prod_" . $p['id'] . "qty"; ?>');">Adicionar</button>


     <div id="items">

        <?php if(isset($_SESSION['basket'])) {
                  echo "SESSION EXISTS";
                 $total = "";
                  foreach ($_SESSION['basket'] as $item){ ?>
                              <td><?php echo $item['name'];?></td>
                              <td>&pound;<?php echo $item['price'];?></td>
                              <td> <?php echo $item['qty'];?></td>
                              <td><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?id=<?php echo $item['id'];?>&amp; action=remove">Eliminar</a></td>

                         <?php $total+= $item['subtotal'];?>

                      <?php  } ?>
                    <h3> Total a pagar: <span style="color:#000000">&pound;<?php printf("%.2f", $total);?></span></h3>

             <?php    }


        <p class="output"></p>


 function addItem(id,name,cat,price,qty){

    alert('id: '+id+' name: '+name+' cat: '+cat+ ' price: '+price+' qty: '+$(qty).val());
    var qty2 = $(qty).val();
    var subtotal = price * qty2;


PHP SCRIPT basket.php

  <?php require_once("inc.php");?>

  $_id = CleanData($_POST['id']);
  $_name = CleanData($_POST['name']);
  $_price = CleanData($_POST['price']);
  $_qty = CleanData($_POST['qty2']);
  $_cat = CleanData($_POST['cat']);

  $basket = new ShoppingBasket();
  $basket->Add($_id,$_name, $_cat,$_price, $_qty);




class ShoppingBasket{

public function Add($id,$name,$cat,$price,$qty)

    //1. Check if the session basket exists

                    'subtotal'=>$qty * $price);           

        //store the first item in the session


     //2. Check if the item exists in the basket session

     }  else if ($_SESSION['basket'][$id]) {

         //update this item qty and subtotal

         $_SESSION['basket'][$id]['subtotal'] = $_SESSION['basket'][$id]['qty'] * $_SESSION['basket'][$id]['price'];

      //3. Add new Item to existing basket
            //group parameters to associative array

                    'subtotal'=>$qty * $price);

        //Add new item to existing  basket




Try to combine the 1st and 3rd case of your conditions in the add method:

public function Add($id, $name, $cat, $price, $qty) {
    //1. Check if the session basket exists or the item exists in basket
    if (!$_SESSION['basket'] || !array_key_exist($id, $_SESSION["basket"])) {
        $item = array('id' => $id,
            'name' => $name,
            'cat' => $cat,
            'price' => $price,
            'qty' => $qty,
            'subtotal' => $qty * $price);
        //store the item in the session
        $_SESSION['basket'][$id] = $item;
    } else {
        //update this item qty and subtotal
        $_SESSION['basket'][$id]['subtotal'] = $_SESSION['basket'][$id]['qty'] * $_SESSION['basket'][$id]['price'];


The other thing. This is really bad:

if(isset($_SESSION['basket'])) echo "SESSION EXISTS"; {

This means, if $_SESSION["basket"] exist, then echo something, and this is the end of your condition. (Anyway, the existing code will produce a syntax error.)

You should add the bracket right after the if:

if(isset($_SESSION['basket']))  {
    echo "SESSION EXISTS";

I think it's because you are indexing the basket array with the product id coming from the db.


This would not work if you do some operation that just loops through the array, like you do:

foreach ($_SESSION['basket'] as $item){ 
    //do something

because you don't have a product with 0 as id. Loops start from zero, maybe that's the issue. I think maybe you can do something like this, but this is not optimized code, I just would rethink the solution ASAP.

foreach ($_SESSION['basket'] as $item){ 
    if($item != array()){
        //do something if the item is not an empty array

Hope this helps

Removed all the javascript and just used plain php. There must be a problem with the jQuery load() function and G Chrome I had something similar in another project where session would get updated but not always. It worked fine i FF though.

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