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AngularJS - Using then() with $http service

I noticed that I can use the $http provider in this way:


app.service('Auth', ['$http', function ($http) {

    AuthService.login = function (credentials) {

        return $http.
            post('getauth.php', credentials).
            then(function (res) {

                //create the session, etc.



Notice the return statement in front of http and the use of then() on http instead of success().

Why does this work? Are there any downsides?

Try to chain the promise like that:

$http.post('URL', DATA)
    .success(function(data, status, headers, config)) {}) // on success callback
    .error(function(data, status, headers, config) {}); // on error callback
        url: 'put url here',
        method: "put action here just like GET/POST",
        data: { 'name': 'Anil Singh' }
    .then(function (resp) {
        //TODO: put success logic here
    function (resp) {
        //TODO:  put failed logic here

Angular $http service- success(), error(), then() methods

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