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How can I convert a class to Map[X, (List[Y], Z)]?

I have List collection with data below:

case class Expense_detail(po_id: Long, supplier_id: String, price: String)


Is it possible to map it into below Map collection:

"S00001" -> ((1,2), "3000.0")
"S00002" -> ((3), "3000.0")
"S00003" -> ((4), "4000.0")

Yes with groupBy an mapValues .

case class ExpenseDetail(poId: Long, supplierId: String, price: String)

val details : List[ExpenseDetail] = ...

 groupBy( _.supplierId ).
 mapValues( details => ( (details.map(_.poId)), details.map(_.price.toInt).sum ))

This should work. I changed the naming to honor the Scala/Java best practices to use CamelCase instead of snake_case.

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