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Combine multiple text files into a single time series using R

This should be a simple task in r but I can't seem to get it right. I have multiple text files with single column and no header. I just want to combine them to have a single time series. Order doesn't matter. I tried following:

t1 <- read.table("t1.txt") # 3,5,4,..... 
t2 <- read.table("t2.txt") # 5,6,0,.....
so on...
m <- merge(t1 = as.zoo(t1), t2 = as.zoo(t2))

I get:

1  3  5
2  5  6
3  4  0
.  .  .
.  .  . 

But I need it like following in single column:


Any suggestions?


files <- list.files(pattern="^t\\d+")
z1 <- as.zoo(rbindlist(lapply(files,fread)))

# ‘zoo’ series from 1 to 12
#  Data: int [1:12, 1] 3 5 1 5 7 9 3 4 9 7 ...
#- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
# ..$ : NULL
#  ..$ : chr "Col1"
# Index:  int [1:12] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...


attr(z1, 'dimnames') <- NULL
attr(z1, 'index') <- NULL
#‘zoo’ series from  to 
#Data: int [1:12, 1] 3 5 1 5 7 9 3 4 9 7 ...
# Index:  NULL


#[1,] 3
#[2,] 5
#[3,] 1
#[4,] 5
#[5,] 7
#[6,] 9
#[7,] 3
#[8,] 4
#[9,] 9
#[10,] 7
#[11,] 7
#[12,] 9

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