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Generate XSD from XML programmatically in Java

I'm looking for a leightweight library that allows me to genereate an XSD from XML in Java (no commandline tool). I know that it is not a clean way to generate it, but in this case I need to do it. Also the XML is very simple in terms of structure.

I already looked into Trang, but there is no API documentation except how to call it from command line.

Also I checked out xsd-gen, but the issue with that library is that one would need to modify some package declrations in the source code which I couldn't find.

Any other suggestions?

I am the author of the tool xsd-gen . I converted the tool to be a library as well, and uploaded the artifact to Maven Central:


Now it is simple to use as a library within your application:

import org.wiztools.xsdgen.XsdGen;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;


XsdGen gen = new XsdGen();
gen.parse(new File("in.xml"));
File out = new File("out.xsd");
gen.write(new FileOutputStream(out));

I included the xsd-gen source code and it worked for me. You only need

  1. TypeInferenceUtil.java
  2. XsdGen.java

The package declarations I used (for Gradle) were:


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