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How to change default images in Windows Phone 8.1 app?

I'm trying to pass certification using the Windows app cert kit but I'm getting an error due to using the default images for tiles, splash screen and logo.

I know this is because I need to replace these default images with my own but when I try to change the images in the Package.appxmanifest the is no option in the Application to change these images.

I've looked in the WMAppmanifest also but there is no option to change.


Does anyone know how I can get access to where the images are being set?

Looks like you're using WP 8.1 Silverlight.

To edit those settings using the GUI, you need to double click on the WMAppManifest.xaml in the Properties folder under the solution.


Found a quick fix for this by right clicking on the Package.appxmanifest file and selecting view in code.

I then manually changed the paths of the images from the default images to the ones I created.

<m3:VisualElements DisplayName="TotalTabata" Square150x150Logo="Assets\timer_icon_medium.png" Square44x44Logo="Assets\timer_icon_44.png" Description="Total Tabata is a total solution for all your interval and HIT training needs." ForegroundText="light" BackgroundColor="#464646">

Still not sure why the option to change them doesn't show up in the manifest designer. If anyone has a solution please post it as an answer.

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