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internal compiling error when using template class

I am trying to migrate a project from VS2008 to VS2013, The project compiles and works in VS2008, unfortunately I suddenly receive an "An internal error has occurred in the compiler" when compiling the same code with VS2013. The error occurs when trying the call a method of a template class

void func(const CMatrix<CSegment>& segments) const
    int row, col;
    row = segments.NumOfRows(); //error points to here
    col = segments.NumOfColumns(); // if I remove the above line then the error points to here

and CMatrix is defined like so:

class CBaseMatrix
    CBaseMatrix() {};
    virtual ~CBaseMatrix() {};
    virtual void Resize(const int row, const int col) = 0;
    virtual inline int Size()   const = 0;
    virtual inline int NumOfColumns() const = 0;
    virtual inline int NumOfRows() const = 0;

template <class T> 
class CMatrix : public CBaseMatrix

    CMatrix() : 

CMatrix(const CMatrix& matrix):
    *this = matrix;

    inline int NumOfColumns()   const {return(m_columns);};

    inline int NumOfRows()  const {return(m_rows);};

    inline int Size()   const {return(m_data.size());};

    int m_columns;
    int m_rows;
    vector<T> m_data;
    T*  m_rawBuff ;
    int m_rawBuffSize ;


I cannot find any problem with the code, and the error itself is not very informative.

I hope that I miss something or that someone encountered a similar problem and has an idea how to solve it.


I have no idea how the code would work under any compiler as:

void func(const CMatrix<CSegment>& segment) const
    int row, col;
    row = segments.NumOfRows(); //error points to here
    col = segments.NumOfColumns(); 

Passes in a variable called segment and the code tries to access one called segment s .

Try changing the parameter name to segments.

Well, I found out what the problem was, notice that in the original code:

CMatrix(const CMatrix& matrix):
    *this = matrix;

I have ":" after the constructor, but the initialization list is empty, Somehow that caused the compiler to crush.

after removing them:

CMatrix(const CMatrix& matrix)
    *this = matrix;

everything works!

Note that I submitted the error to Microsoft, and hopefully they will take care of this in the next update, but in the meanwhile, I leave my solution here in case anyone else encounter this problem.

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