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Android Library Project Dependencies and NoClassDefFound

EDIT: This project demos the behavior:


There is a read me that explains the first time you build it.

I have a set of projects built using Gradle and AndroidStudio. We'll call them Lib1, SDK and APP . Lib1 and SDK are deployed to a private Sonotype repo that I maintain.

App depends on SDK - App is a normal android project

SDK depends on Lib1 - SDK is an Android Library Project repackaged as a Jar

Lib1 depends on some Android Stuff. - Lib1 is a normal android library project, packaged as an aar.

When I run gradle dependencies In each project i see some things i don't expect.

In Lib1 I see all appropriate dependencies, just as I would expect (including dependencies of dependencies)

In SDK I see all relevant dependencies and their trees except for that of Lib1. In the case of lib1 the only thing I see is lib1, not any of its dependencies.

In APP i see something very simlar to the SDK dependencies - I see all dependencies are their trees, except for SDK . In the case of SDK I only see the SDK . I don't see Lib1 listed as a dependency (or any of the other dependencies of SDK ).

Everything builds fine - that is i can compile and deploy Lib1 , and compile and deploy SDK . I can compile the APP - however when it uses SDK code which references Lib1 I get noClassDefFound on the Lib1 classes.

Checking the output jars none of the library classes are included in the Jars created during the build phases of SDK or Lib1 , and the poms created don't reference any dependencies (from installArchives/uploadArchives tasks).

How do I work around this? I don't want consumers of the SDK to have to directly compile in the Lib1 in order for those classes to be found.

This topic:


shows some extremely similar behavior to what it turns out was happening to me - my poms were being generated without their dependency information being included.

For now i've got this work around in my installArchives.`

task installArchives(type: Upload) {
        repositories.mavenInstaller {
            configuration = configurations.archives
            //configuration = configurations.default
            pom.version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
            pom.artifactId = "lib2"
            pom.groupId = "waggoner.android.examples"
            pom.withXml {
                def node = asNode().appendNode('dependencies').appendNode('dependency')

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