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Is there a way to draw UML in Visio for Java?

I have Visio2007 and I really like it. However, it doesn't seem to have UML model/datatypes for Java. Is there some template I can download for Java? Or should I just forget about Visio altogether and get an Elipse plugin?


I had the same question, but then I messed around with it until I figured it out. Now, bear with me; this is the first time I have ever posted a response to an answer. Since I figured it out I thought I should transfer my brain's data into your brain (eww.. we're interfacing).

Now to business... You can actually make up your own package and data types. What I did was I went to the Model Explorer tab on the left. Then, I right-clicked on IDL Data Types , and then I clicked Duplicate (since I didn't want to make my own from scratch and it pretty much has what I want). It will then make a new package called "Package 1". Right-click on it and select Rename ; I renamed mine to “Java Data Types” since that is what I am making, but you can name it “Underpants” if you want. Then, I opened my new package and right-clicked each data type, one at a time, and selected Properties . Then it will open up the UML Property Editor . From there, click on Name , then remove the word “idl” from inside the brackets, so “boolean(idl)” now says ”boolean()”.

Now, one other thing: There is no int data type, so you need to make one. It is pretty easy; just right-click on your newly created folder, click New , then click Data Type . It should open the UML Datatypes Properties window. Now, click inside the Name tab, type in “int()”, then click OK . And you're all done.

See, that wasn't so bad. Heck if I can do it, you definitely should be able to do it. I hope this was understandable and helpful. If not, well I guess I have failed you and I should now fall on my sword to save my honor.

The latter is a better option, IMHO. Further, I don't think UML Models should be specific to Java. I am not aware of, if there are any java-specific UML, around.

I found this while searching over the net. UML Models: MS Visio 2007 .

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