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How to skip NoSuchElementException in Selenium

I have a scenario where I want to click on a bar from a graph('Responses'), which then displays a relational bar graph('Response "Offer Of Payment(Yes)"'). When I click on a bar from the relational bar graph it displays a list of contracts. This is highlighted in the screenshot below 截图

The issue I have is that the 'Responses' graph doesn't have a bar on the 'Offer Of Payment (Yes)' section. This is a valid test scenario, but what then happens is that the relational bar graph, on the right displays no data. Furthermore, when my selenium code then looks for a contract from the list, but can't find it,the test fails with a 'NoSuchElementException'. I understand why it does this but my question is....is there a way of me tweaking the code to cater for this kind of scenario so that if it can't find a relational graph (right hand side graph), and furthermore, a contract list in the table below, the code is able to skip past this?

I've attached details of my code below:

1) This method is attempting to open/close a contract from the list in the table. Can this be modified in some way so that if no contract is displayed (which is a valid scenario), the code can skip past the NoSuchElementException?

    public static void openCloseContractForReportWithBarChart(InternetExplorerDriver driver) throws InterruptedException {
    String winHandleBefore = driver.getWindowHandle();

    for(String winHandle : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
                   }catch(InterruptedException e){

2) You'll notice in the above method, I've referenced a 'FluentWaitOnContractSelect' method. Details of this are below:

    public static void fluentWaitOnContractSelect(InternetExplorerDriver driver)

    WebElement selectContractAfterWait = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 15))

Any help would be appreciated on this.

As far as I know , you can not skip element as do not know when exactly element will not found , so best way is to tell web driver to wait until next element found , Please user below for code for that :

 WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeoutInSeconds);

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