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JAXB schema validation error with CXF - JAXBException occurred : cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element

I have a REST service with CXF 3.0.1 which accepts an XML message in a HTTP POST payload. The XML payload is getting unmarshalled to an Object by JAXB .

I am trying to validate the XML through an XSD schema and I have configured the XSD in CXF but I keep getting the error below

JAXBException occurred : cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'incident'.. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'incident'..

NOTE: incident is my root element

What I understand from that is that XSD is successfully registered by CXF but something is wrong in the JAXB side.

I have tried many possible solutions related to that error but none worked.

Any ideas


Here is my configuration


public class CreateIncident { 
        @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML}) 
        public Response createIncident(Incident incident) { 

JAXB Object

@XmlRootElement(name = "incident") 
public class Incident extends Event { 
        public Incident() { 

        private String importProfile;

        private String eventTitle; 

        public String getImportProfile() { 
                return importProfile; 

        public void setImportProfile(String importProfile) { 
                this.importProfile = importProfile; 

        public String getEventTitle() {
                return eventTitle;

        public void setEventTitle(String eventTitle) {
                this.eventTitle = eventTitle;


public class Event {

    String eventType;

    public Event(String eventType) {
        this.eventType = eventType;

    public String getEventType(){
        return eventType;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <element name="incident">
                <element name="importProfile">
                        <restriction base="string">
                            <minLength value="1"></minLength>
                            <maxLength value="254"></maxLength>
                <element name="eventTitle">
                        <restriction base="string">
                            <minLength value="1"></minLength>
                            <maxLength value="890"></maxLength>

The XML that I pass

    <importProfile>Test text</importProfile>
    <eventTitle>Test text</eventTitle>

CXF Config

<jaxrs:server address="/">
                        <bean class="com.ba.sysman.services.events.CreateIncident"></bean>

THe root elements need to be namespace qualified. Thus, the incoming XML needs to be something like:

<incident xmlns="http://www.ba.com/.......">

Since you have not defined namesapce in @XmlRootElement remove the namespace from the input.

@XmlRootElement(name = "incident") 
public class Incident extends Event { 
        public Incident() { 

    //fields, getters and setters

And in event class add default constructor

public Event(){


However its better to use xjc plugin and wadl2java/wsdl2java plugin and generate jaxb classes from xsd, which would save lots of time when you change xsd frequently and also use xmlns

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