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Solr join not working on solr cloud environment

For Eg: I have 2 shards in solr cloud environment, My query is like http://localhost:8983/solr/B/select?wt=json&indent=true&q=*:*&fq={!join from=id to=uid fromIndex=A}type:xxx

Now what happens while retrieving data from collection B the query only searching in the shard which gave data for the join query {!join from=id to=uid fromIndex=A}type:xxx

meaning if the document is found in shard 2 for collection A, the query is only searching the data in shard 2 even for collection B also.

Try merging the queries to include both the collections.

localhost:8983/solr/B/select?wt=json&indent=true&q= : &fq={!join from=id to=uid fromIndex=A}type:xxx,localhost:8983/solr/A/select?wt=json&indent=true&q= : &fq={!join from=id to=uid fromIndex=B}

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