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Reshape ffdf dataframe in R

I am using dcast function to rshape datframe in R , but while using large dataframe. I converted that into ffdf dataframe unable to use dcast function please help me if any alternatives. Find the below example i used for small dataframe and what i want to do for ffdf dataframe :

- hdsample <- read.csv("C:/Users/PK5016573/Desktop/hdsample.csv")
- View(hdsample)


This is working but:



This gives me error please help

thanks in advance pavan kancharala

I got answer for this question but it may not work largely factored data

# Reshape_function to process on data
   # Reshaping data as per year and Primary condition group
    df=dcast(x,MemberID~ Year+PrimaryConditionGroup,
    value.var= "rep.x..each...2668990.",              
    fun.aggregate = sum)
    # Reshaping data using reshape_function 
    # Specifying size of chunks to process the data
    ,FUN = function(x) reshapefunction(x),BATCHBYTES = 100000000,trace=TRUE)


All the data was taken from kaggle competition added one more column "rep.x..each...2668990." which contains 1 in every row used for aggregation purpose

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