cost 78 ms
Conditional Character Column ffdf data

I imported a big dataset (~6 million rows) to R using ffbase package that lists people enrolled in high school in Brazil. In principle, I have 2 colum ...

2019-05-02 23:15:21   1   49    r / ffbase  
How to subset ffdf by index?

I would like to subset an ffdf object by index, returning another ffdf object. The help file on subset.ffdf indicates that you can pass a range index ...

2017-11-15 23:03:10   1   279    r / ff / ffbase  
Splitting an ffdf object

I'm using ff and ffbase libraries to manage a big csv file (~40Go and 275e6 observations). I'd like to split/partition this file according to one of i ...

2016-05-20 10:20:37   1   128    r / ff / ffbase  
log2 transform ff objects

I would like to log2 transform all numeric values in a ff object from ffpackage. Using my df: I tried the below code but I got an error: There ...

Grow a ffdf data frame on disk gradually

From documentation of save.ffdf: Using ‘save.ffdf’ automagically sets the ‘finalizer’s of the ‘ff’ vectors to ‘"close"’. This means that the data ...

2015-06-14 21:56:41   1   289    r / ff / ffbase  
Reshape ffdf dataframe in R

I am using dcast function to rshape datframe in R, but while using large dataframe. I converted that into ffdf dataframe unable to use dcast function ...

Assign value to variable in ff

I am working with a ff dataset (final_faf_data) because of the size of my database. I am trying to create a new variable dpy which has only only one v ...

2014-10-22 21:13:46   1   554    r / ff / ffbase  

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