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AngularJS Forms, check validity

I have a form and want to test the validity of the form. I have a function in the controller that checks for $valid

$scope.checkValid = function(){

The dosomething() does nothing!! The first console.log produces a Constructor object with the valid as true.

$valid: true

yet the second console log displays FALSE!

Why would this happen? I cant figure it out and google has no answers.

Any advice appreciated.

You want to validate form validity, and thats variable "formName.$valid" in form´s scope.

You really should provide jsfiddle as others mentioned, because you didnt specified, where and how are you using this method checkValid();

You can see any validation errors in "formName.$error"

UPDATE on your fiddle:

You didnt set any watcher on that validity variable

Repaired working fiddle is here: Working example


Or, you can use "ng-change='inputChanged(event)' " on that input and check validity there.

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