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Assigning $index to ng-model: AngularJS

I have a kendo multi select widget in my template, the code for which is given below.

<div ng-repeat="program in user.programs">
    <label class="label-multi">{{program.name}}:</label>
    <select kendo-multi-select="" k-option-label="'Select Services...'" k-data-text-field="'name'" k-data-value-field="'id'" k-data-source="services" k-ng-model="selectedServices" >

Each user has several programs , and each program has some services . Now I want to show the services that are already associated with the program ie selectedServices which I initialize in my controller like so:

$scope.selectedServices = ["S1","S2"];

But the problem is that selectedServices vary for each program. I was thinking about doing something like selectedServices[0] , selectedServices[1] and so on using $index . How do I achieve this and how do assign values to these selectedServices in my controller? Wouldn't it be an array of arrays?

Why don't you add a selectedServices array to user.programs ?
For example:

$scope.user.programs.selectedServices = ["S1", "S2"];

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