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How was authentication built on LDAP?

I many times integrate authentication in application based on LDAP.

I just put configs: URL (like ldap.company.com:389 ), search base (like dc=europe,dc=com ) and query pattern (like (uid=$) ) to libraries and frameworks.

But I always wonder what really do libraries and frameworks to actually authenticate user by supplied login/password.

Seems that LDAP has three type of authentication itself - anonymous, plain password and SASL. So sometimes in order to authenticate you need application login/password to get access to LDAP service.

I am not sure that this blog answer the question: http://thecarlhall.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/ldap-authentication-authorization-dissected-and-digested/ :

  • Get a connection to the LDAP server.
  • Bind as the application user.
  • Search for the DN (distinguished name) of the user to be authenticated.
  • Bind as user to be authenticated using DN from step 3.

Is that right?

That may be summarized as (as experiment in command line):

$ ldapsearch -x -h ldap.company.com -s sub -b 'dc=europe,dc=com' "uid=XYZ"
dn: uid=XYZ,dc=sales,dc=europe,dc=com
$ ldapsearch -W -h ldap.company.com -D 'uid=XYZ,dc=sales,dc=europe,dc=com' \
    -s sub -b 'dc=europe,dc=com' "uid=XYZ"

Are there any other authentication schema like using specific DN attribute value as user secret? Or userPassword is that attribute itself?

You four steps are basically correct. SASL is an External Authentication Mechanism where Authentication is "handed" off to the SASL Mechanism. RFC 4513 spells out Authentication and Security Mechanisms.


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