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Ruby on Rails routes prefixes not pre-processing in .erb.js file

I'm using Rails 4. I have the following file:

// apps/assets/javascripts/products.js.erb

var getColoursAndMaterialsData = function(onSuccess)
    var fd = formdata();

    $.post( '<%= data_products_path(:format => :json) %>', fd )

When products.js.erb is included in a .html.erb file I get the error:

undefined method `data_products_path'

clearly routes prefix 'data_products_path' isn't being pre-processed. I was under the impression that giving the products.js the .erb extension would coax the pre-processor.

The same exact same code works when between the <script type="text/javascript"></script> tags in the .html.erb file. The relevant part of my routes.rb looks like this:

resources :products do
    collection do     
        post 'data'

Is there something else I need to do?

I dont think it will work just by adding .erb extension. why not do a simple jQuery ajax post request...

use dataType: "json" to make sure you get json response and instead of using url helpers just specify the url.


The link below answers your question

Using a Rails helper method within a javascript asset

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