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How can I use port number in securing web request

I have some web application that uses Spring-security and deployed in Tomcat7. In tomcat there are two connectors (8080, 8081). I want to share part of my application and give access to requests like ${ip}:8080/${servercontext}/resource and secure the rest of application by this port, ie deny requests like ${ip}:8080/${servercontext}/otherresource. But requests like ${ip}:8081/${servercontext}/otherresource must be accessible (8081 port).

How can I do it ?

According to Spring security documentation , you can use the requires-channel attribute in the intercept-url tag :

  <intercept-url pattern="/resource/**" access="ROLE_USER" requires-channel="https"/>
  <intercept-url pattern="otherresource" access="ROLE_USER" requires-channel="any"/>

You can also note that there is an other way of doing it (non spring-specific), in your web.xml add the following code :

        <web-resource-name>HTTPSOnly Resources</web-resource-name>

This will automatically redirect the user to HTTPS (you need to configure your server to support HTTPS, but it seems you already did it)

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