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onbeforeunload not working

Below is the code snippet that I am using but onbeforeunload event handler is never called.

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    function fnCallUnload() {
        var xmlData = "<Root sMethodName='SaveState'>";
        xmlData += "</Root>";

        CallServer(xmlData, "");

    window.onbeforeunload = fnCallUnload;

I tried onbeforeunload event in the master page and calling a function of content page in the try catch. It does work smoothly there. But this page where I am trying to use onbeforeunload does not require master page. Its a stand alone page in the application. So, I guess there is some minor concept I am not aware of regarding the use of onbeforeunload.

Any help will be hugely appreciated.


This should work, however unbeforeunload requires a string to be returned. If not it will not fire due to security reasons.

Add this as last line.

return "Do you want to quit?";

However this thread blames jQuery as culprit window.onbeforeunload not firing


window.onbeforeunload = fnCallUnload;


window.addEventListener("beforeunload", fnCallUnload, false);

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