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eclipse plugin: save animated image into PC

I have a image loader which loads the image and save it into the PC as follows:

ImageLoader saver = new ImageLoader();
saver.data = new ImageData[] { ImageDescriptor.createFromURL(
            FileLocator.find(bundle, new Path("icons/img.gif"), null))
            .createImage().getImageData() };
saver.save("D:/img.gif", SWT.IMAGE_GIF);

But when i trying to save animated gif, the saved image is not animated. How could i save the animated image from the bundle to the user PC ?

As the code show, you have only one ImageData . For an animated GIF, you need several ImageData . ImageDescriptor doesn't allow that; it is too high level, you need to use SWT directly:

final ImageLoader loader = new ImageLoader();
loader.load(FileLocator.find(bundle, new Path("icons/img.gif"), null).openStream()); // closing the stream would be appreciable :)

You can then try to save directly, but I think the SWT library is unable to save animated GIF.
If you still want to use SWT for that, you must save each image one by one:

int i=0;
for (ImageData data : loader.data) {
    final ImageLoader saver = new ImageLoader();
    saver.save("image-" + (i++) + ".gif", SWT.IMAGE_GIF);

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