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Yii relation — MySQL foreign key

Tables in MySQL:


id pk


id pk

feild_id int(11)    

ALTER TABLE  `field_option` ADD CONSTRAINT  `option_field` FOREIGN KEY (  `feild_id` ) REFERENCES  `agahi_fixed`.`field` (

Relation Field model:

return array(
  'fieldOption' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'FieldOption', 'feild_id'),

Relation FieldOption model:

return array(
    'feild' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Field', 'feild_id'),

In controller:

if(Field::model()->exists('cat_id = :catId', array(":catId"=>$_POST['catid']))){
            $criteria=new CDbCriteria;
            $criteria->with = 'fieldOption';
            header('Content-type: application /json');
            echo $jsonRows;

but it does not work with just select records in field table.


this way you won't achive what your looking for,

when you fetch your records using with it will fetch associated records, meaning : eager loading not lazy , but when you json encode your model, It will get attributes of your main model, not any relations, If you want any related data to get encoded with the model, you have to explicitly say so. I suggest make an empty array :

$result = array();

make a loop over your model and append to this result, from model to related model

foreach($field as $model)
  $record = $model->attributes; // get main model attributes
  foreach($model->fieldOption as $relation)
     $record['fieldOption'][] = $relation->attributes; // any related records, must be explicitly declared

  $result[] = $record;

now you have exactly what you need, then echo it

 echo CJSON::encode($result);

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