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Installing Cargo on Windows with Rust from MSYS2

I've installed Rust on my Windows 7 64-bit system via MSYS2 successfully, but when trying to install Cargo from nightly build, I get the following error from install.sh :

$ ./install.sh
install: looking for install programs
install: found mkdir
install: found printf
install: found cut
install: found grep
install: found uname
install: found tr
install: found sed
install: processing ./install.sh args
install: CFG_DESTDIR          :=
install: CFG_PREFIX           := /usr/local
install: CFG_LIBDIR           := /usr/local/lib
install: CFG_MANDIR           := /usr/local/share/man
install: validating ./install.sh args
install: verifying platform can run binaries
install: error: can't execute rustc binary on this platform

While rustc works just fine:

$ rustc --version
rustc 0.13.0-nightly (5ba610265 2014-12-25 18:01:36 +0000)

Am I doing something wrong?

I don't know how to get install.sh to work, but I've had success using the precompiled binaries available from the Github repo . The README links to 6 precompiled binaries, one each for Windows, OS X, and Linux, for 32 and 64 bit architectures each.

It is a .tar.gz file, so you'll need something like 7-Zip to unpack it. Once unpacked, you can simply move cargo.exe to somewhere that is in your PATH . Since I also install the Rust nightlies to C:\\Rust , I piggy-back and move cargo.exe to C:\\Rust\\bin .

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