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Clickable div with unclickable elements.


I wrote this small bit to illustrate my issue, but essentially I have a linkbutton on a div that toggles another div via click, but I want the linkbutton to not toggle, and be exempt from the click event.

I also cannot use the cursor-event:none; trick because I have to make this work with IE.

Here's the javascript:


I expect that clicking a div that should be on top of #expandingHeader shouldn't cause the clickevent, but it does. Any help would be appreciated.


Use javascript to prevent the default action of the href.

    alert("You can redirect the user from here instead of an alert!");

Check my example:

you can do the checking on the event object

   if (e.target.tagName === 'A') { // simply call the return when found the target is action link <a>

Demo on codepen ( http://codepen.io/anon/pen/vEyYyr )

Without any additional event listeners.
You can check what kind of element was clicked (which is accessible via event.target ) and if it was a link, then you do not toggle the content.

$(function() {
  $('#expandingHeader').click(function(event) {
    // Check if we clicked a link, and if so, do not proceed.
    // Check only immediate children of the header.
    if (event.target.parentNode === event.currentTarget
        && event.target.nodeName === 'A') {


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