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Importing RSA keys in PHP

I wanted to encrypt/decrypt/sign... and so on and I found this code:

public $pubkey = '...public key here...';
public $privkey = '...private key here...';

public function encrypt($data)
    if (openssl_public_encrypt($data, $encrypted, $this->pubkey))
        $data = base64_encode($encrypted);
        throw new Exception('Unable to encrypt data. Perhaps it is bigger than the key size?');

    return $data;

public function decrypt($data)
    if (openssl_private_decrypt(base64_decode($data), $decrypted, $this->privkey))
        $data = $decrypted;
        $data = '';

    return $data;

The only problem is that I got a private.pem (or .key dosnt matter) format and the question:

How should I import my private.pem file in this code?

Use the openssl_pkey_get_public() function: http://php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-pkey-get-public.php

It decrypt the .pem format and extracts the keys necessary for the work.

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