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How to add an ID in a same class of div in a external javascript link?

I have a javascript link in my html, which is coming from third party. I can't edit the html inside the javascript link directly, but can edit, delete or add using CSS, Javascirpt or Jquery.

The javascript link is:

<div class="fluid-container" style="margin-top:10px;">
        <div class="fluid-container-info">          
            <script src="https://worldtravelink.com/client.ijs?userId=2&amp;resultPage=https://www.ezeerooms.in/m/result.html&amp;state=payment&amp;currency=INR&amp;ver=1.0&amp;confirmPage=https://www.ezeerooms.in/m/confirm.html" type="text/javascript"></script>

I found the following html code inside the javascript link by using Firebug. I have deleted and edited some lengthy part of this html.

<div class="wrapper_RightZone">
    <div class="PackageInfoBox">
        <div class="hotel_Package_info_Price">
            <div class="Price_Box">               
                <div class="Price">
                    <font class="PriceElement">23285.33</font>
                    <font class="CurencyElement">INR</font>
    <div class="payment-title">
        <div class="StrongClass PaymentDetailsTitle"><button>Payment details</button></div>
    <div class="PackageInfoBox">
        <div class="RoomType_PriceRow">               
            <div class="Cel1Right">Content</div>
        <div class="gm_wrapper">
                <div class="subpayment-title">               
                    <div class="StrongClass PaymentOptionTitle"><button>Payment options</button></div>                 
                <div class="PackageInfoBox">
                    <div class="Payment_OptionsBox">
                        <div class="pay_credit" id="pay_credit">Content</div>

I have made some modification by CSS and Javascript. I want to toggle PackageInfoBox DIV (class="PackageInfoBox"), when I will click on 'subpayment-title' DIV. But problem is same class name ie, PackageInfoBox. There are four PackageInfoBox class, so it is not possible to identify the last PackageInfoBox DIV, which I want to toggle. So I have used this jquery function to add an ID in the last PackageInfoBox DIV.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
     $(".gm_wrapper .PackageInfoBox").attr("id","SomeID");

And used this jquery function to toggle the PackageInfoBox DIV.


But its not working, and not created ID (SomeID) in last PackageInfoBox DIV.

Anyone can help me?

just use this code if you want your last element of PackageInfoBox

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {


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