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Understanding Linux perf report output

Though I can intuitively get most of the results, I'm having hard time fully understanding the output of the perf report command especially for what concerns the call graph, so I wrote a stupid test to solve this issue of mine once for all.

The stupid test

I compiled what follows with:

gcc -Wall -pedantic -lm perf-test.c -o perf-test

No aggressive optimizations to avoid inlining and such.

#include <math.h>

#define N 10000000UL

#define USELESSNESS(n)                          \
    do {                                        \
        unsigned long i;                        \
        double x = 42;                          \
        for (i = 0; i < (n); i++) x = sin(x);   \
    } while (0)

void baz()

void bar()

void foo()

int main()
    return 0;

Flat profiling

perf record ./perf-test
perf report

With these I get:

  94,44%  perf-test  libm-2.19.so       [.] __sin_sse2
   2,09%  perf-test  perf-test          [.] sin@plt
   1,24%  perf-test  perf-test          [.] foo
   0,85%  perf-test  perf-test          [.] baz
   0,83%  perf-test  perf-test          [.] bar

Which sounds reasonable since the heavy work is actually performed by __sin_sse2 and sin@plt is probably just a wrapper, while the overhead of my functions take into account just the loop, overall: 3*N iterations for foo , 2*N for the other two.

Hierarchical profiling

perf record -g ./perf-test
perf report -G
perf report

Now the overhead columns that I get are two: Children (the output is sorted by this one by default) and Self (the same overhead of the flat profile).

Here is where I start feeling I miss something: regardless of the fact that I use -G or not I'm unable to explain the hierarchy in terms of "x calls y" or "y is called by x", for example:

  • without -G ("y is called by x"):

     - 94,34% 94,06% perf-test libm-2.19.so [.] __sin_sse2 - __sin_sse2 + 43,67% foo + 41,45% main + 14,88% bar - 37,73% 0,00% perf-test perf-test [.] main main __libc_start_main - 23,41% 1,35% perf-test perf-test [.] foo foo main __libc_start_main - 6,43% 0,83% perf-test perf-test [.] bar bar foo main __libc_start_main - 0,98% 0,98% perf-test perf-test [.] baz - baz + 54,71% foo + 45,29% bar 
    1. Why __sin_sse2 is called by main (indirectly?), foo and bar but not by baz ?
    2. Why functions sometimes have a percent and a hierarchy attached (eg, the last instance of baz ) and sometimes not (eg, the last instance of bar )?
  • with -G ("x calls y"):

     - 94,34% 94,06% perf-test libm-2.19.so [.] __sin_sse2 + __sin_sse2 + __libc_start_main + main - 37,73% 0,00% perf-test perf-test [.] main - main + 62,05% foo + 35,73% __sin_sse2 2,23% sin@plt - 23,41% 1,35% perf-test perf-test [.] foo - foo + 64,40% __sin_sse2 + 29,18% bar + 3,98% sin@plt 2,44% baz __libc_start_main main foo 
    1. How should I interpret the first three entries under __sin_sse2 ?
    2. main calls foo and that's ok, but why if it calls __sin_sse2 and sin@plt (indirectly?) it does not also call bar and baz ?
    3. Why do __libc_start_main and main appear under foo ? And why foo appears twice?

Suspect is that there are two levels of this hierarchy, in which the second actually represents the "x calls y"/"y is called by x" semantics, but I'm tired to guess so I'm asking here. And the documentation doesn't seem to help.

Sorry for the long post but I hope that all this context may help or act as a reference for someone else too.

Alright, well, let's ignore temporarily the difference between caller and callee call-graphs, mostly because when I compare the results between these two options on my machine, I only see effects inside the kernel.kallsyms DSO for reasons I don't understand -- relatively new to this myself.

I found that for your example, it's a little easier to read the whole tree. So, using --stdio , let's look at the whole tree for __sin_sse2 :

# Overhead    Command      Shared Object                  Symbol
# ........  .........  .................  ......................
    94.72%  perf-test  libm-2.19.so       [.] __sin_sse2
            --- __sin_sse2
               |--44.20%-- foo
               |          |
               |           --100.00%-- main
               |                     __libc_start_main
               |                     _start
               |                     0x0
               |--27.95%-- baz
               |          |
               |          |--51.78%-- bar
               |          |          foo
               |          |          main
               |          |          __libc_start_main
               |          |          _start
               |          |          0x0
               |          |
               |           --48.22%-- foo
               |                     main
               |                     __libc_start_main
               |                     _start
               |                     0x0
                --27.84%-- bar
                           --100.00%-- foo

So, the way I read this is: 44% of the time, sin is called from foo ; 27% of the time it's called from baz , and 27% from bar.

The documentation for -g is instructive:

 -g [type,min[,limit],order[,key]], --call-graph
       Display call chains using type, min percent threshold, optional print limit and order. type can be either:

       ·   flat: single column, linear exposure of call chains.

       ·   graph: use a graph tree, displaying absolute overhead rates.

       ·   fractal: like graph, but displays relative rates. Each branch of the tree is considered as a new profiled object.

               order can be either:
               - callee: callee based call graph.
               - caller: inverted caller based call graph.

               key can be:
               - function: compare on functions
               - address: compare on individual code addresses

               Default: fractal,0.5,callee,function.

The important piece here is that the default is fractal, and in fractal mode, each branch is a new object.

So, you can see that 50% of the time that baz is called, it's called from bar , and the other 50% it's called from foo .

This isn't always the most useful measure, so it's instructive to look at the results using -g graph :

94.72%  perf-test  libm-2.19.so       [.] __sin_sse2
        --- __sin_sse2
           |--41.87%-- foo
           |          |
           |           --41.48%-- main
           |                     __libc_start_main
           |                     _start
           |                     0x0
           |--26.48%-- baz
           |          |
           |          |--13.50%-- bar
           |          |          foo
           |          |          main
           |          |          __libc_start_main
           |          |          _start
           |          |          0x0
           |          |
           |           --12.57%-- foo
           |                     main
           |                     __libc_start_main
           |                     _start
           |                     0x0
            --26.38%-- bar
                       --26.17%-- foo

This changes to using absolute percentages, where each percentage of time is reported for that call chain: So foo->bar is 26% of the total ticks (which in turn calls baz ), and foo->baz (direct) is 12% of the total ticks.

I still have no idea why I don't see any differences between callee and caller graphs though, from the perspective of __sin_sse2 .


One thing I did change from your command line is how the callgraphs were gathered. Linux perf by default uses the frame pointer method of reconstructing callstacks. This can be a problem when the compiler uses -fomit-frame-pointer as a default . So I used

perf record --call-graph dwarf ./perf-test

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