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How to echo a MySQLi row in escaped PHP code, inside an HTML block

I'm wondering what is the appropriate syntax is to echo a row from MySQLi code in a block of HTML text. I'm working on a page that uses PHP code at the start to determine if a session is started and to post comments that user has posted, after pulling said comments from a MySQLi database. The interesting and confusing part is, I've accomplished what I'm trying to do in one HTML div, but I can't seem to get it to work in the next.

    $page_title = "store";

    // Connect to the DB
    $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);

    // Grab location data from the DB
    // Grab post data
    $query2 = "SELECT sp.post_id, sp.admin_id, sp.post, sp.date, sa.admin_id, s.store_name, s.store_city, s.store_state, s.store_zip,s.store_phone, s.store_email, s.store_address FROM store_posts sp, store_admin sa, stores s WHERE sp.admin_id='$admin_id' and sa.admin_id='$admin_id' and s.admin_id='$admin_id'ORDER BY date DESC";
    $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2);
    if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) {
        $blankwall = "Empty feed? '<a href=manage.php><u>Click here</u></a> to manage posts and communicate with your customers!";
<div id="content">
    <h2>Recent Posts</h2>
  <div id="store_wrap">
        <div id="left_col">
        <br />
            **// Loop through posts and show them
            if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) {
                echo $blankwall;
                else {
            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
                // Show the posts
                echo '' . $row['post'] . ' | ';
                echo date('M j, Y g:i A', strtotime($row['date']));
                echo '<br /><hr />';
        </div><!-- closes left_col -->

So all the above code is there to query the DB to grab the correct array and then show $row['posts'] in the HTML div below the PHP code, titled left_col. I am trying to do the exact same thing in the next div but instead of echoing $row['posts'], I want to echo rows such as $row['store_city'] to have the page display the store's location after pulling it out of the previously selected array. Here's my non-functioning code for that part:

<div id="right_col">
            <div id="store_picture">
          <img src="images/store.jpg" style="width:325px;"/>
            </div><!-- closes picture --><br />
            <div id="store_address">
                <br /><br /><h2>Location Info</h2>
                if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 1) {
                    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
                    echo '<p>' . $row['store_city']. '</p>';

            </div><!-- closes store_address -->
            <div id="store_info">
            </div><!-- closes store_info -->
        </div><!-- closes right_col -->
        <div class="clear"></div>
    </div><!-- closes store_wrap -->
</div><!-- closes content -->

For whatever reason, the second time, when I try to echo data from that array, I just have empty space within that div. I don't get any errors. I just don't get...anything. Therefore, I think this is a syntax issue. I've tried exactly the same thing I did with the section where I echo $row['post'] and it isn't working.

The chief issue you're facing is that you make a second attempt at fetching rows from the $data MySQLi result resource object after already having fetched them once. This won't work as intended, as MySQL keeps an internal recordset pointer which advances every time mysqli_fetch_array() is called. So when the end of the first loop is reached, the pointer is at the end of the recordset and a subsequent call will return FALSE .

Therefore, your second loop gets nowhere because its first call to mysqli_fetch_array() returns FALSE , exiting the loop. You have two options.

The quickest fix is to just rewind the record pointer using mysqli_data_seek() . Called right before the second loop, it will set the pointer back to the first record, allowing you to fetch them all again.

if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 1) {
  // Rewind the record pointer back to the first record
  mysqli_data_seek($data, 0);

  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
    // note addition of htmlspecialchars() to escape the string for HTML!
    echo '<p>' .htmlspecialchars($row['store_city']). '</p>';

Perhaps a better option if your recordset is small is to fetch all rows into an array once, then use that array with a foreach loop for both your subsequent output loops:

// To hold all rows
$rows = array();
// Do the query
$data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2);
// (don't forget to check for errors)
if ($data) {
  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
    // Append the row onto the $rows array
    $rows[] = $row;
  // handle the error somehow...

Later, instead of using $data again, you will loop over $rows with a foreach loop.

// use count($rows)
if (count($rows) == 0) {
  echo $blankwall;
else {
  foreach ($rows as $row) {
    // Show the posts
    echo '' . $row['post'] . ' | ';
    echo date('M j, Y g:i A', strtotime($row['date']));
    echo '<br /><hr />';

...And do the same thing again for your second loop later in the code. It's recommended to use htmlspecialchars() on the string fields output from the query where appropriate.

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