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AngularJS Spring mvc @RequestParam

I'm newbie in Angularjs,The following Spring controller get object from database by id I want to get This id by @RequestParam using AngularJs ,I try the following code but get this error "Error: id is not defined .findOne@ localhost:8080/myapp/scripts/services.js:126:79 $scope.findOne@ localhost:8080/myapp/scripts/controllers.js:280:4

Spring MVC Controller

    @RequestMapping(value = "/rest/chartConfigs/getById",
            method = RequestMethod.GET,
            produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public ChartConfigs findOne(@RequestParam(value = "id") Integer id) {
         return chartConfigService.getOne(id);


AngularJS Service

    myappApp.factory('ChartConfigService', function ($http) {
    return {
    findOne: function() {
        var promise = $http.get('app/rest/chartConfigs/getById',{params: {id: id}}).
                        then(function  (response) {
            return response.data;
        return promise;

AngularJS Controller

  myappApp.controller('ChartConfigController', function ($scope, ChartConfigService) {
    $scope.findOne= function() {
     ChartConfigService.findOne($scope.id).then(function(obj) {

Html page

 <input ng-model="id" ng-change="findOne()" required>

You forgot to pass id to findOne as a function parameter:

findOne: function(id) {
        var promise = $http.get('app/rest/chartConfigs/getById',{params: {'id': id}}).
                        then(function  (response) {
            return response.data;
        return promise;

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