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How do I calculate the angle of a right triangle using the Javascript Math library?

Consider the following triangle :


I want to calculate angle X

I have the following :

    var opposite = 2.5;
    var hypotenuse = 5;

    var sinOfAngleX = opposite / hypotenuse; // 0.5

So now I know that Math.sin(valueofAngleX) would return 0.5 .

But how do I get the value of an angle if I know the sine of the angle, using the Math() library?

According to this tutorial , I need to do :

var angleX = sin to the power of negative one of 0.5

but I don't know how to translate that into JS.

I tried :

var angleX = Math.pow(Math.sin(sinOfAngleX), -1);

but it returns 2.085829642933488 which is obviously wrong. The correct answer should be 30

And in case all of the above is wrong to begin with, does anyone know how I can calculate angle X correctly using the JS Math() library?


You can know the angle of any sin with this formula:

Math.asin(sinOfAngleX) * 180/Math.PI

With sinOfAngleX = 0.5 , Math.asin(sinOfAngleX) would give 0.5235987755982989 . This is expressed in radians. To pass it to degrees you can multiply by 180/Math.PI , which results in 30º

In ES6 you can use the build it method from Math Object

 Math.hypot(3, 4)


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