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iOS EXC_BAD_ACCESS, but nothing is nil

I'm getting a really strange EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash in my app. The code that causes the crash is

private func isValidGridCoordinate(coord : CGPoint) -> Bool {
    return !((coord.x < 0) || (coord.x >= gridSize.width)
        || (coord.y < 0) || (coord.y >= gridSize.height))

But when I look at the memory in XCode, I see that the values in coord, self and gridSize are exactly as expected. Why would this error happen if none of my objects are nil?

EDIT: The code that calls this function at the crash is

private func caveCellFromGridCoordinate(coord : CGPoint) -> CaveCell? {
    if (isValidGridCoordinate(coord)) {
        return self.grid[Int(coord.y)][Int(coord.x)] as? CaveCell
    return nil

Looks like you are using | which is a bitwise OR operator. You want to use || -- the logical OR operator.

OK, so after putting in a bunch of println's, I found out that there was a logical error elsewhere in the code that was causing an overflow. Strange that I would get the error message I got, but anyway, it seems to work now

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