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Design pattern for Generic Dao, service layer in Spring without use of Hibernate

I have visited too many site and also question on stackoverflow for reference but i can't found exactly answer about below.

I want to design an architecture for Generic DAO Pattern without using of hibernate .

Currently I having trouble in developing GenericSpringDAOImpl<DomainObject> java file. How to make generic getList() method(Which return DomainObject objects) without hibernate or I say using jdbctemplate of spring ?

My Code are below:


public interface GenericDAO<DomainObject extends Serializable, KeyType extends Serializable> extends Serializable{

 * Give list of all entities of underlying Domain Object. 
 * @return List of all entities.
public List<DomainObject> getList();
 * Returns the total number of Entities that is affected by sql query,.
 * @param query
 *            the query
 * @return Number of Entities affected By SQL Query.
public int getRecordBySQLQuery(String query);

 * Returns Domain object whose Key-value pair matched.
 * @param keyName Column name 
 * @param keyValue any value that is being matched under Column name.
 * @return DomainObject
public DomainObject getRecordByKeyandValue(String keyName,Object keyValue);

public DomainObject getRecordByKeysAndValues(String[] keyName,Object[] keyValue);

 * Returns list of Domainobjects whose Key-value pair matched.
 * @param colname Column name
 * @param keyValue List of values.
 * @return List<DomainObject> according to the Condition satisfied.
public List<DomainObject> getListByKeyandValue(String colname,List<? extends Object> keyValue);

 * Returns the list of Entities according to the condition applied.
 * @param condition Condition
 * @return List<DomainObject> according to condition satisfied.
public List<DomainObject> getListByCondition(String condition);

 * Find Object based on primary key.
 * @param id Identifier value is passed.
 * @return DomainObject i.e POJO which has the passed id value.
public DomainObject getRecordByPrimaryKey(KeyType id);

 * get the list of primary keys based on the condition.
 * @param condition Condition 
 * @return List<KeyType> of Primary Keys according to the Condition.
public List<KeyType> getPrimaryKeyCollection(String condition);

 * get the list of primary keys based on the condition.
 * @param condition Condition 
 * @return List<KeyType> of Primary Keys according to the Condition.
public List<KeyType> getPrimaryKeyCollection(String condition,final Object... values);

 * Insert the Domain Object that is going to persist into the Database. 
 * @param object Domain Object which is going to persist into the Database
 * @return KeyType Serializable value generated By Hibernate due to session.save().
public KeyType insert(DomainObject object);

 * Update the Domain Object.
 * @param object Domain Object that is being changed/updated.
 * @return 1 if Domain Object is being successfully updated
 *         0 if Exception Generation while updating the Object.
public int update(DomainObject object);

 * Deleting Domain Object.
 * @param object
 *            Domain Object that is going to be delete.
 * @return the int
public int delete(DomainObject object);

 * Delete Object whose oid(Object Identifier) matched with given Primary Key.
 * @param id Identifier value.
public void deleteById(KeyType id); 



public abstract class GenericDAOSpringImpl<DomainObject extends Serializable, KeyType extends Serializable> implements Serializable, GenericDAO<DomainObject, KeyType>{

private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

RowMapper<DomainObject> rowMapper;

public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate getJdbcTemplate() {
    return jdbcTemplate;

public void setJdbcTemplate(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
    this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

public List<DomainObject> getList(){    
    /*Develop Code which return DomainObjects 
     * One way is pass query to getList() but not good approch 
    return new ArrayList<DomainObject>();

   Other methods also required to implements.

Here Domain Object is any object like Student,School,Teacher etc.

Are you looking for implementations provided by Spring Data JPA ? http://projects.spring.io/spring-data-jpa/

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