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Symfony2 read route parameter

This is my route

pattern: /personeelslid/detail/{personeelId}
    _controller: PersoneelPersoneelslidBundle:Personeelslid:detail
    _menu_icon: fa-user

pattern: /locatiebeheer/kind/detail/{kindId}
defaults: { _controller: PersoneelLocatiemanagerBundle:KindDetail:detail }

In my menuBuilder I loop through all routes and fetch for example _menu_icon:

$routeObject = $this->_router->getRouteCollection()->get($route);               

$menu_icon = $routeObject->getDefault('_menu_icon');

How can I fetch the variable name personeelId, kindId, etc.. I need te keys so I can set the routeParameter attributes.

You can add custom keys to defaults option if you want. Example:

path: /personeelslid/detail/{personeelId}
    _controller: PersoneelPersoneelslidBundle:Personeelslid:detail
    _menu_icon: fa-user
    my_custom_key: personeelId

and get it:

$myCustomKey = $routeObject->getDefault('my_custom_key');

IF you want to fetch the value of wildcard, you cant' do it like this way (by getRouteCollection ), fetch it from Request object (eg $request->attributes->all() )..

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