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Symfony2 Route get parameter only if integer

I got defined routes in routing.yml file

one route is:

    path:    /profile/{id}
    defaults: { _controller: ProfileBundle:Users:profile }
    methods: [get]

and second is:

    path:    /profile/acceptProposal
    defaults: { _controller:ProfileBundle:Users:acceptConnectionProposal }
    methods: [put]

First route without methods: [get] listen also and [put] request and catch second url before it get to route definition. Is there way to define checking for parameter only if url is numeric.

Just add the requirements parameter to accept only digits for a determined route like this:

    path:    /profile/{id}
    defaults: { _controller: ProfileBundle:Users:profile }
    methods: [get]
    requirements: <--- ADDED PARAMETER
        id: \d+

For more infos read the Symfony book about Routing . There you can find more advanced example on how to use route parameters.

You can now do this with Annotations in your controller like so:

class UserController extends AbstractController
     * @Route("/profile/{id}", name="user_profile", requirements={"id"="\d+"})
    public function profile($id)
        // ...

More info on Symfony's docs Specifically defining routing requirements

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