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Selenium Webdrive (Java) - find an element where attribute is disabled=“”

I have <input id="test" disabled=""> . How can I find this element with an attribute disabled="".

PS I don't need to use id in this case. I want to find an element with the disabled attribute.

I've tried to use

String enbl = Login.driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input#test")).getAttribute("disabled=''");

But I've got the null result

One idea would be using an XPath. Something like this:

By.xpath("//input[@id = 'test'][@disabled = '']")

You can probably do it with CSS selectors too, though I don't know the syntax there.

With xpath


With css


Note: There is a chance that you need to add additional wait before searching for the element

You can also use the xpath like this:

//input[@id='text' and @disabled='']

Or, if you just want to test, if the element is enabled or not , as @mystarrocks suspects, you can use the below code:

WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//xpath of the element"));
  System.out.println("Element is enabled");
  System.out.println("Element is disabled");

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