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pandas groupby, then sort within groups

I want to group my dataframe by two columns and then sort the aggregated results within those groups.

In [167]: df

   count     job source
0      2   sales      A
1      4   sales      B
2      6   sales      C
3      3   sales      D
4      7   sales      E
5      5  market      A
6      3  market      B
7      2  market      C
8      4  market      D
9      1  market      E

In [168]: df.groupby(['job','source']).agg({'count':sum})

job    source       
market A           5
       B           3
       C           2
       D           4
       E           1
sales  A           2
       B           4
       C           6
       D           3
       E           7

I would now like to sort the 'count' column in descending order within each of the groups, and then take only the top three rows. To get something like:

job     source
market  A           5
        D           4
        B           3
sales   E           7
        C           6
        B           4

You could also just do it in one go, by doing the sort first and using head to take the first 3 of each group.

In[34]: df.sort_values(['job','count'],ascending=False).groupby('job').head(3)

   count     job source
4      7   sales      E
2      6   sales      C
1      4   sales      B
5      5  market      A
8      4  market      D
6      3  market      B

What you want to do is actually again a groupby (on the result of the first groupby): sort and take the first three elements per group.

Starting from the result of the first groupby:

In [60]: df_agg = df.groupby(['job','source']).agg({'count':sum})

We group by the first level of the index:

In [63]: g = df_agg['count'].groupby('job', group_keys=False)

Then we want to sort ('order') each group and take the first three elements:

In [64]: res = g.apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False).head(3))

However, for this, there is a shortcut function to do this, nlargest :

In [65]: g.nlargest(3)
job     source
market  A         5
        D         4
        B         3
sales   E         7
        C         6
        B         4
dtype: int64

So in one go, this looks like:

df_agg['count'].groupby('job', group_keys=False).nlargest(3)

Here's other example of taking top 3 on sorted order, and sorting within the groups:

In [43]: import pandas as pd                                                                                                                                                       

In [44]:  df = pd.DataFrame({"name":["Foo", "Foo", "Baar", "Foo", "Baar", "Foo", "Baar", "Baar"], "count_1":[5,10,12,15,20,25,30,35], "count_2" :[100,150,100,25,250,300,400,500]})

In [45]: df                                                                                                                                                                        
   count_1  count_2  name
0        5      100   Foo
1       10      150   Foo
2       12      100  Baar
3       15       25   Foo
4       20      250  Baar
5       25      300   Foo
6       30      400  Baar
7       35      500  Baar

### Top 3 on sorted order:
In [46]: df.groupby(["name"])["count_1"].nlargest(3)                                                                                                                               
Baar  7    35
      6    30
      4    20
Foo   5    25
      3    15
      1    10
dtype: int64

### Sorting within groups based on column "count_1":
In [48]: df.groupby(["name"]).apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(["count_1"], ascending = False)).reset_index(drop=True)
   count_1  count_2  name
0       35      500  Baar
1       30      400  Baar
2       20      250  Baar
3       12      100  Baar
4       25      300   Foo
5       15       25   Foo
6       10      150   Foo
7        5      100   Foo

试试这个 取而代之,这是一种简单的 groupby 和降序排序的方法:


If you don't need to sum a column, then use @tvashtar's answer. If you do need to sum, then you can use @joris' answer or this one which is very similar to it.

df.groupby(['job']).apply(lambda x: (x.groupby('source')
                                      .sort_values('count', ascending=False))

I was getting this error without using "by":

TypeError: sort_values() missing 1 required positional argument: 'by'

So, I changed it to this and now it's working:


You can do it in one line -

df.groupby(['job']).apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(['count'], ascending=False).head(3)
.drop('job', axis=1))

what apply() does is that it takes each group of groupby and assigns it to the x in lambda function.

@joris answer helped a lot. This is what worked for me.


When grouped dataframe contains more than one grouped column ("multi-index"), using other methods erases other columns:

edf = pd.DataFrame({"job":["sales", "sales", "sales", "sales", "sales",
                           "market", "market", "market", "market", "market"],
                    "source":["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],
                    "count":[2, 4,6,3,7,5,3,2,4,1],

gdf = edf.groupby(["job", "source"]).agg({"count":sum, "other_col":np.mean})
gdf.groupby(level=0, group_keys=False).apply(lambda g:g.sort_values("count", ascending=False))

This keeps other_col as well as ordering by count column within each group

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