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How to install a gem to the current folder

I want to use a Ruby gem locally (not install it for the entire machine) for use in a single script. I know how to install gems with Bundler with a Gemfile and bundle install . But for a simple script, this seems overkill to set up bundler.

Is there a way to install a gem to a subfolder of my script and use it, similar to the way npm installs Node.js packages in node_modules ?

Here's what I have tried so far.

gem install -i ruby plist installs the plist gem in ruby/gems/plist-3.1.0

I tried to require it in my script extract.rb by doing require './ruby/gems/plist-3.1.0/lib/plist but that fails with require: cannot load such file: plist/generator ( plist/generator.rb is required by lib/plist.rb ).

Ruby 2.0 on OSX

You can bundle install to a different location with the --path option, for example:

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Also see http://bundler.io/v1.1/bundle_install.html

If you don't want to involve Bundler, just install your gems locally as in your example and then set the GEM_PATH env in your script before your require, eg:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

ROOT = File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)
ENV['GEM_PATH'] = File.join(ROOT, 'ruby')
# or to just append to
# ENV['GEM_PATH'] += ":#{ File.join(ROOT, 'ruby') }"

require 'plist'

assuming your script is in the same folder as the ruby folder (otherwise adjust the filepath accordingly).

You can do it by creating gemset for particular application. follow these steps for that -

$ rvm gemset create <gemset_name>

It will create a gemset for currently selected ruby version. you can check currently selected ruby version by this command -

$ rvm list

Then navigate to your app directory by cd into it.

now execute this command -

$ rvm use @<gemset_name>

Now whenever you install any gem it will be installed in current gemset which is being used not for the entire machine.

Make sure - you run gem install bundler in newly created gemset so it will not raise error when you will run bundle install .

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