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How to add zoom-in and zoom-out buttons in dc.geoChoroplethChart

I wanted to add zooming effect to dc.geoChoroplethChart() . I am able to get Zoom-in and Zoom-out behavior with wheelmouse. I achieved with the help of this example. But, how to achieve this using Zoom-in and Zoom-out buttons? I tried multiple multiple ways to do this seeing d3 examples, but ended up unsuccessful and messing the code.

Thank you.

Here is my function for moving selected nodes with the arrow keys (ie translating)

function keydown()//-ability to move selected nodes with arrows
    if (!d3.event.metaKey) switch (d3.event.keyCode) {
    case 38: nudge( 0, -1); break; // UP
    case 40: nudge( 0, +1); break; // DOWN
    case 37: nudge(-1,  0); break; // LEFT
    case 39: nudge(+1,  0); break; // RIGHT

Nudge function :

function nudge(dx, dy) //-use arrow keys to nudge selection
    force.stop(); //-stops the force layout
    tick(); //-calls tick

    nodes.filter(function(d) { return d.selected; })            
        .attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x += dx; })
        .attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y += dy; });

You can use this so instead of translate, use scale

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