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load call only works on first node, not on leaves?

i thought i had solved my problem, but not. I use a normal call to load content and it works easy, fast and fine.

    $( document ).ready(function() {
          return false;

    <div id="leftmenu">
                  <li><a class="jstreelink" href="backend/test4.php">task1</a></li>
                  <li><a class="jstreelink" href="backend/test3.php">task2</a></li>

                   <li><a class="jstreelink" href="backend/testp.php">task3</a></li>
                   <li><a class="jstreelink" href="backend/test1.php">task4</a></li>

           <li><a class="jstreelink" href="backend/test.php">task5</a></li>


I added a test alert, and i only get that alert when clicking on task5. I have tried different combinations, but when clicking on a leaf , nothing happens. Also checked with Firebug. repeatingly clicking on task 5 fires everytime the alert and does load the html in the maincontent div.

So it seems this isn't a normal jquery problem,but a problem with jsTree (and myself of course:))

I am using

jQuery v2.1.3 jsTree - v3.0.9

Thanks in advance for any comment.

Try this

$('#leftmenu').on("select_node.jstree", function(a,b){
      return false;

Thanks maddin, but i already found the solution:

$( document ).ready(function() {
    $('#jstree').on('click', '.jstreelink', function() {

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