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iOS : NSJSONSerialization: Wrong code or wrong JSON structure?

I have some trouble with parsing my JSON object for the past 6 hours. In my code, I stripped a JSON response from server (which has been saved as a NSData object) using the following method:

NSMutableDictionary * responseDataRaw = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:serverResponse options: kNilOptions error:nil];

And this is the NSMutableDictionary structure I'm able to NSlog:

Content =     (
        0 =             (
                DatePosted = "September 23, 2014 at 09:10pm";
                ID = 64;
                MemberID = "Ken Ang";
                Message = "I won't be left out :D";
                PostNumber = 1;
                Status = 1;
                Subject = "Hello from US!";
                TopicID =                     {
                    DatePosted = "September 23, 2014";
                    Enabled = "<span class='label' style='background-color:#17A647; color:#fff'>Yes</span>";
                    ForumID = 1;
                    FriendlyURL = "19-";
                    ID = 19;
                    MemberID = 1;
                    Title = "Hello from US!";
                    ViewCount = 288;
                UserID = 1;
                Username = kenang;
        1 =             (
                DatePosted = "December 17, 2014 at 03:27pm";
                ID = 66;
                MemberID = "Nobody know";
                Message = "Hai from Chech";
                PostNumber = 2;
                Status = 1;
                Subject = "Re: Hello from US!";
                TopicID =                     {
                    DatePosted = "September 23, 2014";
                    Enabled = "<span class='label' style='background-color:#17A647; color:#fff'>Yes</span>";
                    ForumID = 1;
                    FriendlyURL = "19-";
                    ID = 19;
                    MemberID = 1;
                    Title = "Hello from US!";
                    ViewCount = 288;
                UserID = 15;
                Username = admin;
        Forum = "Member Introduction";
        ForumID = 1;
        ForumTopicTitle = "Hello from US!";
Count = 2;

Then I intend to save the value of "0" and "1" as NSDictionary using the following method but was prompted an error at runtime:

NSArray * responseData = [responseDataRaw objectForKey:@"Content"];

for (id arrayItems in responseData)
    NSMutableArray * validKeys = [NSMutableArray array];

    //Enumerate and collect the valid keys: only "0" and "1". So will do a numeric test.
    for (id itemsInside in [arrayItems allKeys])
        NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:itemsInside];
        BOOL isNumeric = [scanner scanInteger:NULL] && [scanner isAtEnd];

        if (isNumeric)
            [validKeys addObject:itemsInside];



//Using the key to parse the info into our readable NSDictionary
for (NSString * individualKey in validKeys)
    NSDictionary * testPost = [arrayItems objectForKey:individualKey];

I can't save the value as a NSDictionary at the variable testPost. The error message I've got is

[__NSCFArray objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x170465040

Anyone has any idea what should I do? I need to save the "0" and "1" values as dictionary as I would need items in them to pluck into a table cell later.



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