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QR code scanner using android studio

我正在寻找一个教程,该教程显示如何使用Zxing和android studio制作二维码扫描仪,那里有很多互联网,但是所有主题都使用eclipse,当我尝试在android studio中执行相同的步骤时,它不起作用。

Thank you all for you responses , i find that there is an easy way to do that using build.gradle here is the link : http://www.lihongfei.com/integrate-zxing-in-android-studio/

there is a little bug to fix because the scan works for the first time , but not for the second. just use this function to initiate the scan

public void performScan(){
IntentIntegrator scanIntegrator = new IntentIntegrator(this);

Try this lib.

If wraps 2 popular libraries for QR code scanning for Android: ZXing and ZBar . Which to use - is up to you!

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