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PouchDB/CouchDB Replication Fails with Method Not Allowed

Trying to get www.server1.com to communicate to a CouchDB installed on www.server2.com using PouchDB. When trying to replicate the data, I get the following error:

error: true
message: "Database encountered an unknown error"
name: "unknown_error"
status: 405
statusText: "Method Not Allowed"

From the server:

$ curl -X GET http://admin:secret@

And in the JavaScript:

var localDB, remoteDB, allSynced = null; 

function initializePouch(){
  localDB = new PouchDB('databaseone');
  remoteDB = new PouchDB('http://admin:secret@<remote ip>:5984/databaseone');

  localDB.info().then(function (info) {
    console.log('Get DB info', info);


function retryReplication() {
  localDB.sync(remoteDB, {live: true}).on('change', function (change) {
    console.log('Replication done.');
  }).on('error', function (err) {
    console.log('error while replicating');
    if( !allSynced ) {
      setTimeout(retryReplication, 30000);

Here is the content of the console:

start.html:229 Get DB info Object {doc_count: 0, update_seq: 0, db_name: "database",
auto_compaction: false}

I tried with and without the admin:secret, but failed each time. Apache CouchDB 1.6.1

Any idea?

This is a CORS error. If I had to guess, I'd say you need to set credentials to true on your server. If you're ever unsure, just run the add-cors-to-couchdb script and try after that.

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