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Problems with parsing facebook using Jsoup

I wrote a program to parse facebook, and I can get the whole DOM tree already. Things go well but when I want to select all <p> -tags, the problem is it returns a zero sized array. PS: Nothing goes wrong when I parse other websites but facebook.

Here is my code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    doc = connect(); //connect the website,
    System.out.print(doc.outerHtml());//in the wole html file, i can find the tag <p>
    newsHeadlines = doc.select("p"); //nothing
    doc.getElementsByTag("p");//nothing either
    oldEleStr = newsHeadlines.text();

static Document connect() throws IOException {
    org.jsoup.Connection connection = Jsoup
    Document doc = connection.get();
    return doc;

You may want to try something like:

Document new_doc = Jsoup.parse(doc.outerHtml());
Elements elements = doc.select("p");
for (Element aa : elements) {

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