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Grails Domain HQL Query

I have a grails domain named A. Like the following

Class A { 
    Integer x; 
    Collection<B> items 

and Class B is like the followings

Class B {
    Integer a;
    Integer b;

I need to find out sum of a*b group by x value of class a. For Example A class has rows having values x = 5, 6, 5; and some list of items.

I need two rows where i can find all the sum of items group by x means 5 and 6.... How can I do This. Thanks in advance..

*I need to do this with a single executequery like this "select count(o.id), sum(o.items.a * o.items.b) from A as o group by ax" Is there any way i can do that like this....*

try this:

def query = "FROM B AS b HAVING SUM(t.a * t.b) NOT NULL"
def result = A.findAll(query) 

Try to this if this working:

def aList = A.createCriteria()
def result = aList.list() {
    projections {
        sum('a * b') != null

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