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Checkbox with false value in form

I need send with post false value of checkbox witch is not checked by default. My checkbox is defined like this:

<label><input type="checkbox" id="rez" name="rezerwowanie" value="false" />Rezerwowanie</label>

And after submit I use that code to check if checkbox is checked or not:

$Reservation = $_POST['rezerwowanie'];
    if ($Reservation == false) {
        $Reservation = 0;
    } else
        $Reservation = 1;

It work when I check the checkbox but with not checked it don't work. What's the problem here?

The checkbox only sends a value to the server when it is activated. So when it is not checked, $_POST['rezerwowanie'] will not be there. Your code will need to account for this. Checking to see if the array element isset will give you the same outcome.

$Reservation = isset($_POST['rezerwowanie']);
if ($Reservation == false) {
    $Reservation = 0;
} else
    $Reservation = 1;

A simpler way to accomplish this:

$Reservation = isset($_POST['rezerwowanie']) ? 0 : 1;

$Reservation will equal 0 if the user did not check the checkbox. I may have the logic backwards based on your needs, but the general idea is correct. No if else statement required.

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